
The ROWBERRY One-Name Study actually covers many variants, such as my own name RUBERY. In fact these are the two most frequently found variants today, closely followed by ROBERY, ROWBURY and RUBERRY. Others still extant include REWBURY, ROEBURY, ROVERY, ROWBERY, ROWBORY, ROWBREE, ROWBREY, ROWBURREY, RUBBERY, RUBBRA, RUBRA, RUBREY and RUBURY.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Y DNA Project

Ted Rowbury [Oldbury Family, ROWBERRY Tree Three] emailed to say that he has received the test kit that he ordered from FamilyTreeDNA. He is going to take the test and return it tomorrow. It will be so exciting to get the results of this first test.

Thanks to a generous donation from Iain Rovery Smith [ROVERY Tree] (not to mention a gift of $30 from FTDNA themselves) another test kit has also been ordered. Now to find someone to use it!

If you are male and your surname is any of those mentioned in the Welcome note above, please consider joining the Y DNA Project. You can find more about it via the link given to the right.

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